AX Explosion Proof Shutter Mounted Fans
The AX series exhaust fan is a sturdily constructed, direct drive, horizontal discharge fan that is typically use for general ventilation of factories, garages,
warehouses and other industrial or commercial buildings.
The AX Explosion Proof Fans have a single speed, dual voltage explosion proof motor that meets
and conforms to all the standards that are listed below.
The AX series housings are constructed of heavy duty aluminum with built in shutters that automatically open when the fan starts and gravity closes when
the fan stops.
Some models now available with optional DC volt motor. Call for details.
CLASS I, GROUP C - Atmospheres containing ethyl ether, ethylene, gases or vapors of equivalent hazard.
CLASS I, GROUP D - Atmospheres such as acetone, ammonia, benzene, butane, cyclopropane, ethanol, gasoline, hexane, methane, natural gas, naphtha, propane, or gasses or vapors of equivalent hazard.
CLASS II GROUP F - Atmospheres containing carbonaceous dust, including carbon black, charcoal, coal, or coke dusts that have more than 8% total entrapped volatiles, or dusts that have been sensitized by other materials so that they present an explosion hazard.
CLASS II GROUP G - Atmospheres containing combustible dusts not included in group E or F, including flour, grain, wood, plastic and chemicals.