Equine Lighting

Inside a horse barn with decorative lighting and work lights.

Canarm is a worldwide leading manufacturer of lighting, and we are excited to expand this line for equine applications. We offer a full selection of lighting products. Models shown in our Equine Products catalogue represent only a small cross-section of our overall lighting collection. Please visit www.canarm.com to view our complete line or talk to your sales representative to request a Canarm lighting catalogue.

The right lighting in your horse barn fulfills a dual role – both decorative and functional.

It’s important to have a well lit barn so that it is easier for workers to observe and care for the horses.

Care should be taken to install fixtures at a height beyond the horses’ normal range of movement, so they can’t hit it. If possible, protective covering over the bulb should be used to safeguard the horse from injury if the bulb should break.

A horse and rider training in a well lit indoor arena.

Stall Lighting
Well-lit individual stalls make tasks like feeding, clipping and vet examinations of horses much easier. Adequate illumination also provides added security for skittish horses who can get spooked in the dark.

You may want to consider individual lights for areas like Foaling stalls to help conserve electricity and save money. This way, you only have to turn on a single light to illuminate the area you wish to see.

Aisleways & Arena Lighting
For larger areas like aisleways, or indoor arenas which require multiple lights, energy efficient models - like Canarm’s Greenchoice fixtures – are a wise and cost effective choice. Available in easy to handle lengths of 48”, these fixtures are 4 times brighter, last 8 times longer and use 75% less energy than regular incandescent fixtures!

Vapour tight lights illuminate a wash stall with a horse ready to be washed.

Wash Stalls
Lighting over wash areas should be durable and rated for use in humid and moist areas. Canarm’s Vapour Fluorescent fixtures are ideal for such areas.

Outdoor Lighting
In addition to providing decorative appeal, outdoor lighting can provide safety and security for emergency nighttime visits to the barn.

Effects & Benefits of Correct Lighting
Lighting also plays a key role in the horses’ reproductive cycles. Exposing a mare to enough lighting can trigger the start of her heat cycles earlier in the year, so foals are born closer to the universally recognized January 1st birthday.

Artificial lighting that keeps a horse in “daylight” for longer periods of time, mimicking a typical summer day exposure, will also affect the horses’ shedding and hair growth schedule. Exposure to more light will inhibit winter hair growth and keep a horse’s summer coat longer.

By installing ceiling fans with light kits, you can not only light up your barn, but promote increased air circulation and ventilation, providing not only your horses, but your staff with a more healthy and comfortable environment.

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